The new Galaxy VS Series
The new Galaxy VS Series is the most innovative UPS offer on the market, targeting multiple TCO sensitive and space constrained segments. All from small to medium data centers, edge, light industrial applications, healthcare, telecom, transportation & marine applications.

Addressing the customer needs for low TCO which can be achieved with the use of ECOnversion mode.
High availability provided by modular architecture of Galaxy VS & with the redundant internal Smart Modular Batteries now available with the Galaxy VS All-in-One.
Digital management including a wide range of services to support throughout the entire lifecycle of the UPS with EcoStruxure IT.
The new Galaxy VS 10-50kW All-in-One with internal Smart Modular Batteries is an extension to the successful Galaxy V Series. Offering “Offer Consistency” through the entire Galaxy V Series, stating from 10-100kW with the new Galaxy VS Series, 160 & 200kVA with the Galaxy VM, and all the way up to 500kW to 1500kW with the Galaxy VX. All Galaxy V series is offering the same great innovations like; Modular architecture for fast an safe service, ECOnversion capability for ultra-high efficiency and low TCO, Li-ion battery capability for compact and long life battery solution, Front access servicing for fast and safe service, Build-in Back feed protection, SPoT mode capability, EcoStruxure ready, 10 year design-life, Free Start-up 5 x 8 included and more…